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Curriculum Vitae (December 2021) Henrique José de Figueiredo Garcia Pereira was born in 1945 (Lisbon). In 1969 he took his master degree (Chemical Engineering) and in 1971 Mining Engineering at the University of Lisbon (Instituto Superior Técnico). In 1978 he took a postgraduate course in the École des Mines de Paris (“Geostatistique des Phénoménes non-stationnaires”), organized by Professor Georges Matheron. In 1981 he took his doctorate in Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), under the supervision of Professor José Quintino Rogado (“Structural analysis and its repercussion on mining projects”. In the period 1994/2015 he was Full Professor of IST, leading the areas of Environment and Natural Resources. Em 1997-1998 he acted as Visiting Professor in the Imperial College, in charge of the sylabus, lecturing and examination of the course “ORE RESERVE ESTIMATION”.
In December 2001 he was invited by SLOW FOOD to adress the forum ARTE RECOMBINATÓRIA NA LENTIDÃO GASTRONÓMICO- LITERÁRIA”.
In September 2004 he published, (in co-authorship with the artist Leonel Moura, the text "SYMBIOTIC ART AS A NEW TYPE OF GAME RECOMBINING ART, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY", available in www.interact.com.pt. In January 2005 he was invited by the Serralves Gallery, in Porto, to give a talk on "PAINTING-ROBOTS". In June 2005 he was invited to the conference opening remarks of the "INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ART AND COMMUNICATION", that took placere at the Cultural Center of Belém (CCB) and was organized by the Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. In September 2005 he gave an online interview for the Newsletter “DE FRENTE”, available in http://www.algebrica.pt/. In October 2005 he gave the talk “EM LOUVOR DO ARTIFICIAL”, as a guest speaker of the "2º Fórum da Ciência", that took place at Porto. ![]() In May 2007 he participated in the "Seminários de Inovação do IST", giving a talk about "SCIENCE AND ART". In September 2009 he was co-curator of the exhibition “Science and Art” in Lisboa (CORDOARIA NACIONAL). He was invited to participate in the IST Innovation Workshop under the topic ROBOTIC ART. The text of his conference on “Art as a new kind of natural philosophy: blasting boundaries” was incorporated in the book INSIDE ART AND SCIENCE", LxXL, Lisboa 2009, p. 50-55 and can be accessed in YouTube. In 2008 and 2009 he published a 3 volumes book "FRAGMENTOS DO MEDITERRÂNEO (Uma análise multidimensional)". In 2011 his book "BRASILIANA TANGENCIAL (Contensaios do Atlântico)" was edited by IST Press. In 2015 he published the e-book “CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS AS A MODELLING TOOL”, edited by IST Press. In the period of 2015-2017 he was Visiting Professor at UFC (Universidade Fereral do Ceará, Brazil). He supervised the performed R&D in the Geology Department, as well the post-graduated activity included in the Department scope. October 2015
November 2016
November 2017
In the period of 2018-2019 he was co-curator of the exhibition "Movimento Associativo do IST [1967-1974]". A talk on the topic was given in 18 January 2019. ![]() ![]() In the scope of the exhibition, he published a book “ESQUERDA FESTIVA NO TÉCNICO DOS ANOS 60”, the presentation of which took place in the bookshop LER DEVAGAR on May 9th, 2019. ![]() ![]() On May 2019 he gave a talk in the launching of the book "20 anos da Ler Devagar". |
[Email: henrique.pereira[at]ist.utl.pt] [Back] [IST] |
Web Master:; N.Benavente [2019] [https://hgp.ist.utl.pt/] |